Rooted in tradition, yet contemporary in practice.



The Anglican Way

Harvest Church has partnered with faithful Anglicans around the world who are a historic, Bible-anchored, Spirit-filled global family living out our sacramental faith in local community parishes (GAFCON). The best summary for what we believe is the ancient statement of faith, The Nicene Creed, but distinctive features of Anglican beliefs can also be found in our worship book (which is mostly taken right from Scripture), the Book of Common Prayer. This prayer book also includes the Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion. The Prayer Book has seen a few versions over the centuries, but these Thirty-Nine Articles, while hundreds of years old, still hold true as the statements of our doctrine. Above all though, Anglicans seek by God’s grace to embody the gospel of Jesus Christ and to live as genuine Christians in the power of the Holy Spirit. Chiefly, we believe that the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the gospel that sets people free, renews our broken world, and is central to every aspect of life and ministry. Our relationship with Christ grows as we encounter him in the following ways:


We believe that the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the primary authority for faith and practice and contain all things necessary for salvation. All of Scripture is the Word of God and reveals Jesus Christ to us. Each Sunday, we have a reading from the Old Testament, the New Testament, a Psalm and the Gospel.


We embrace the two sacraments ordained by Christ himself, Baptism and Holy Communion, and consider them to be essential for Christian discipleship. In baptism we are initiated into Christ's body (the Church) and in Holy Communion (Lord's Supper, Eucharist), we are nourished by Christ as we receive his body and blood by faith and with thanksgiving each week. For more information about sacraments, be sure to visit our FAQs .


We depend on the Holy Spirit to empower, gift and lead the church in all aspects of its worship, discipleship, and mission. In worship, the Spirit brings Christ to us in Word and in Sacrament and moves through our worship and prayers. Anglicans enjoy the form of The Book of Common Prayer and its liturgy (commonly called 'worship service'), but the freedom of the Holy Spirit's activity enflames our worship of Jesus as Lord!


Testimony About Harvest Church …

“Our family has really loved worshiping at Harvest. Everyone has been extremely friendly and welcoming. The mixture of contemporary worship music and liturgy creates a meaningful worship experience for our whole family. My kids come home each week singing the songs from the service. We are so thankful to have found Harvest, and we’re excited to see how God is going to continue to use this church in our community!”

-Jon and Anna P.



“Seeking the heart of Jesus; serving the hearts of people in His name.”


We believe that the Holy Spirit is continually infusing a fresh and wonderful depth of discipleship into this simple mission statement. In seeking the heart of Jesus and serving the hearts of people in his name, we strive to imitate Jesus. And, Jesus often retreated to quiet places in his earthly ministry to seek the Father's heart (Luke 5:16, etc.) and thus, it is also in our SEEKING his heart that we are conformed into his image, day by day "from one degree of glory to another" (2 Corinthians 3:18). Our diligent seeking and responsive serving is a means to love God more perfectly and love our neighbors as ourselves.



We invite ALL people to experience God's presence by receiving the LOVE of the Father, living in the GRACE of Jesus, and surrendering to the POWER of the Spirit.  The Lord will accomplish this is by the Holy Spirit working through our:

Passionate Worship

Passionately creating a genuine culture of God-honoring, Christ-centered, Spirit-filled, biblical worship and mission (not forgetting the poor and marginalized). Scripture references: Matt. 22:37, John 4:23-24, Psalm 63:1-8, 95-96, 100, Rev. 7:9-12, Micah 6:8, Romans 12:1-2

Welcoming Community

Intentionally building an authentic community of hospitality and grace where all people are made to feel welcome so that they may hear, experience, and respond to Jesus Christ. Scripture references: Genesis 1:26-27, Romans 5, Ephesians 4:1-6, John 3:3-17, Galatians 3:28, 1 Peter 4:7-9, Luke 14:12-14, Hebrews 13:1-2, 1 John 4:19-21

Devoted Service

Joyfully giving our time, our talents, and our treasures in a way that honors and celebrates the goodness of God, serves others, and inspires people to want to know God more. Scripture references: Exodus 36:1-7, Matt. 28:18-20, Acts 1:8, Matt. 5:14-16, 1 Cor. 12, Romans 12, Ephesians 4, Rev. 4:9-11